Parish Life

Young Adult Community

Spirituality, Friendship and Service

Looking for meaningful community? A place to discuss faith and life with others? The St. Joseph Young Adult Community focuses on building spirituality, friendship, and creating social, spiritual, and service opportunities for young adults in the Seattle area.

A vibrant, diverse community, we get together often for social time after the 5:30pm Sunday Mass, which many of us attend. We also have a softball team, go on hikes and grab drinks together, participate in great, local service projects, and grow in faith through participating in the Good News People program at the parish.    

Get Involved

Follow us on Facebook to stay updated on other upcoming events and opportunities. Or, you can subscribe to our newsletter, Joe Mail! Come to events, introduce yourself. Find out what's going on in the life of the community and look for ways to participate. 

If you are interested in young adult leadership, helping out with socials, planning events, or just giving us more ideas and feedback, please get in touch by emailing us anytime.